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Molokaʻi grown...Indigenous Wahine owned and operated business that provides moments and wearable pieces that educate, advocate and perpetuate a lifestyle that inspires Moʻolelos (stories/traditions).
Born and raised on the island of Molokaʻi, I have grown to appreciate the ‘ĀINA (land) that has provided and continues to sustain my ‘ohana and I. ‘Āina that which feeds and that which sustains has given me so much value and respect for the land and the people who have raised me.
When you see the words EAT MORE VEGʻĀINA What comes to mind? I’m sure for most...who don’t know the meaning of the word ‘āina, could definitely think otherwise. Its original intention is to promote eating more vegetation from the land. Being more mindful and knowing where our food comes from. Supporting our local farmers and if at all possible growing our own food.